Full Name | Eva von Domaros, nee Perlt |
Date of Birth | January 25, 1987 |
Place of Birth | Berlin |
Nationality | German |
Marital Status | Married, two children |
since 07/2021 | Junior research group leader Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, University of Jena |
04 - 06/2021 | Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Beate Paulus Freie Universität Berlin |
2018-2021 | Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Filipp Furche University of California, Irvine |
2015-2017 | Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner University of Bonn |
12/2015, 05/2016 | Visiting researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Jürg Hutter University of Zürich |
01/2015 - 03/2015 | Postdoctoral researcher with PD Dr. Arthur Ernst University of Leipzig |
12/2014 | PhD thesis “Floating Orbital Molecular Dynamics Simulations” University of Leipzig, supervised by Prof. Dr. B. Kirchner (summa cum laude) |
2011 - 2014 | PhD student in the group of Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner University of Leipzig |
01/2011 | Master’s thesis “Electronic and Thermodynamic Properties of Gaseous and Liquid Phases” University of Leipzig (grade 1.0) |
09/2008 | Bachelor’s thesis “Isochore Wärmekapazität und Quantum Cluster Equilibrium Methode” University of Leipzig (grade 1.0) |
2021 | DFG Return Grant |
2018 - 2021 | DFG Research Fellowship |
2015 | Sigrid Peyerimhoff Award for young female scientists |
2011 - 2014 | PhD scholarship “Landesinnovationspromotion” European Social Funds (ESF) |